Multi-disciplinary Interpretations model on Manuscript Apparatus

MIMA semantic data model allows to represent the logical and physical structure of an illuminated manuscript, its contents, and scholars’ comments on fragments of the manuscript. The project addresses the formal representation of scholars’ multidisciplinary analyses performed on the same artefact. ​A few use cases and examples are taken from a specific manuscript, namely Pellegrino Prisciani’s Historiae Ferrarie. Data has been mined from the cycle of lectures called “Scrivere, rappresentare, conoscere nel rinascimento. Pellegrino Prisciani, un intellettuale eclettico tra la corte e il mondo” and includes statements on philological, art historical, and paleographical aspects related to the illuminated manuscript.


Ontological representation of hermeneutics requirements can be summarised in:

  • Type of statement. A classification of the questionable statement, e.g. artwork attribution, philological reading.
  • Sources. The document where the statement is recorded (e.g digital and analogue artefacts), and primary and secondary sources that are used (e.g. cited, analysed, subject of) to support the statement along with their contextual information (e.g. identifiers, authors).
  • Agents. Information necessary to uniquely identify agents (e.g. first and second knowledge providers, software agents) and their role in the digital hermeneutical process.
  • Motivations. A classification of motivations used to justify the endorsement of a hypothesis (e.g. auction catalogues, scholars’ verbal communications).
  • Certainty. Is the quality of a statement that characterises its degree of precision (e.g. “The author wrote his main work in 1994(?)”).
  • Relations. Relations include those between sources (e.g. an article cited in a cataloguing record), between sources and agents (e.g. authors), between statements and sources (e.g. a source provides evidence for the statement), statements and agents (e.g. people that agree on the statement), and between statements (e.g. attributions in agreement). Relations may also be the subject of assertions (e.g. the relation between an artist and the artwork she created).

We foster a source-driven representation of questionable statements. Specifically, questionable statements are represented as facts that are valid in the context of the source where these are recorded, and context information is grouped in layers. Such layers can be summarised as follows:

  • Layer 0. Factual data that are part of scholars’ background knowledge
  • Layer 1. The scope of scholars’ questionable statements
  • Layer 2. Context information for hypotheses assessment
  • Layer 3. Provenance information of the mining processes
Such an organisation allows us to isolate data according to the nature of information at hand and to define patterns between layers. In order to provide an efficient data-driven representation of information, avoiding redundancy and overengineering of ontologies, we propose the usage of named graphs to separate such four layers, and the usage of a high level data model for relating graphs meaningfully. We selected the Nanopublication data model to link graphs relevant to three out of four layers (i.e. factual data excluded).

For more information about this please refer to the following paper

Daquino M., Pasqual V., Tomasi F. (2020). Knowledge representation of digital hermeneutics of archival and literary sources. JLIS.IT, vol. 11, p. 59-76, ISSN: 2038-5366, doi: 10.4403/jlis.it-12642

We designed a modular, orthogonal data model where specific sets of ontologies apply to each layer, with little overlap, so as to avoid harmonisation tasks among a wide set of ontologies and inconsistencies. The ontologies that apply to each layer are the following:

  • Factual bibliographic and cataloguing data has a pragmatic nature, that is, to allow quick identification of objects involved in the hermeneutical discourse. We selected the SPAR ontologies, a well-known set of ontologies for representing the publishing domain, to describe bibliographic resources and serial objects (e.g. photographs), and CIDOC-CRM to describe cultural objects that are unica.
  • The scope of scholars’ questionable statements is highly domain-dependent, and there are no one-size-fits-all solutions. We foster the reuse of CIDOC-CRM as much as possible, supported by ancillary ontologies (mostly extensions of the former) to cover specific issues, such as VIR for representing iconographic aspects, OAEntry for representing relations between artefacts.
  • Context information for hypothesis assessment includes features that characterise the validity of the statement, such as classifications, motivations, responsible agents, and sources. HiCO, an extension of the PROV Ontology covers all of such aspects, along with terms from CWRC to qualify the degree of certainty.
  • Provenance information of the mining process addresses procedures and responsible agents involved in the automatic or semi-automatic generation of information that populate prior layers (e.g. knowledge extraction, data reengineering, reconciliation). We selected the PROV ontology to describe such aspects.

Data Model

The aim of MIMA is to guide ontology designers through the description of hermeneutical aspects by providing them real-world, documented, and tested examples. To foster semantic interoperability only existing ontologies were reused (with the exception of mima:has_missing_attribute), which can be imported in new ontologies or directly reused as-is according to specific project requirements.

MIMA data model is fully represented in this section according to its four layers.
cito: <http://purl.org/spar/cito/>
crm: <http://www.cidoc-crm.org/cidoc-crm/>
cwrc: <http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#>
dcterms: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/>
fabio: <http://purl.org/spar/fabio/>
frbr: <http://purl.org/vocab/frbr/core>
hico: <http://purl.org/emmedi/hico/>
mima: <https://w3id.org/mima/>
np: <http://www.nanopub.org/nschema#>
oaentry: <http://purl.org/emmedi/oaentry/>
owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#>
prov: <http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#>
rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
vir: <http://w3id.org/vir#>
xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>
layer 0 Documents are individuals of the class fabio:Expression when referring to their contents and of the class fabio:Manifestation when referring to a specific edition. Cultural objects are individuals of the class crm:E22_Man-Made_Object. Basic bibliographic metadata include titles (dcterms:title), authors (dcterms:creator), place of publication (fabio:hasPlaceOfPublication), and dates (fabio:hasPublicationYear). Relations between artefacts are represented by using subproperties of cito:cites to specify the type of reference. Objects are linked to their textual and visual content (e.g sections, paragraphs, maps, illustrations) which are individuals of crm:E25_Man-Made_Feature or vir:IC1_Iconographical_Atom), as well as to physical features (e.g. recto and verso, instances of vir:IC19_Recto and vir:IC20_Verso).
layer 1 Manuscript physical features (vir:IC1_Iconographical_Atom and crm:E25_Man-Made_Object, stored in layer 0) carry (respectively vir:K1_denotes and crm:P128_carries) their conceptual meaning (respectively vir:IC9_Representation and crm:E33_Linguistic_Object). Such conceptual meaning is the interpretation given by someone to a set of signs. The same is for crm:E22_Man-Made_Object crm:P128_carries crm:E28_Conceptual_Object, representing the whole manuscript conceptual meaning. Moreover, In particular, vir allows to express iconographical items as representations and to further annotate portions of them (i.e. class vir:IC10_Attribute). Manuscript conceptual elements can represent or refer (crm:P138_represents and crm:P67_refers_to)to real world objects (e.g. events, symbolic meaning).

Events described in the manuscript are represented as instances of crm:E5_Event, along with additional information as places (crm:E53_Place), periods of time (crm:E4_Period), time-spans (crm:E52_Time-Span), agents (crm:E39_Actor), along with their relations.

To represent copies, an illustration is both an instance of vir:IC9_Representation and oaentry:CopyOrDerivation (or one of it subclasses) and is oaentry:isConceivedByMeansOf another artwork (physically described in layer 0).

writing process (crm:E12_Production) that produced a text fragment (crm:E25_Man-Made_Feature) may be characterised by a specific writing system (e.g latin alphabet, crm:E29_Design_or_Procedure), a scriptorial style (e.g. the corsiva umanistica crm:E28_Conceptual_Object crm:P2_has_type crm:E55_Type) and other features (e.g. bindings on the right side, crm:P150_defines_typical_parts_of).
layer 2 An individual of the class hico:InterpretationAct is used to characterise an assertion included in Layer 1. It is associated to a type (hico:hasInterpretationType), authors (prov:wasAssociatedTo), motivations (hico:hasInterpretationCriterion), a datetime (prov:startedAtTime), a degree of certainty (cwrc:hasCertainty), the source where the statement is recorded (fabio:Expression), and the sources used to support the statement (subproperties of cito:cites). Relations between statements can be represented by using subproperties of cito:cites to link individuals of the class hico:InterpretationAct.
layer 3 The property prov:wasAttributedTo is used to address the entity (such a person or a software agent) responsible for the manipulation and publication of data, and the property prov:generatedAtTime is used to record the publication time.

Use Cases

Consider the following scenario in natural language:

In this map the author illustrates the old phisionomy of Ferrara territory, referring to the lower Po, chain of the Appennines, some small towns and villages, some detailed branches of ancient Delta Padano and Via Popolia-Annia.


The illustration (vir:IC21_Iconographical_Atom), is contained in two folios (“44v” and “45r” respectively vir:IC19_Recto and vir:IC20_Verso) belonging to the manuscript IV book (crm:E22_Man-Made_Object). The hermeneutic analyis over the illustration (vir:IC9_Representation) and its parts (vir:IC10 Attribute) links them to some real-world places (crm:P138_represents crm:E53_Place).

Here the corresponding code in Trig notation:

hf:factual_data {
    hf:place_corso_po a crm:E53_Place ; 
        rdfs:label "Corso del Po"@it .
    hf:place_delta_po a crm:E53_Place ; 
        rdfs:label "Delta del Po"@it .
    hf:place_appennini a crm:E53_Place ; 
        rdfs:label "Catena degli Appennini".
    hf:place_via_popolia_annia a crm:E53_Place ;  
        rdfs:label "Via Popolia Annia"@it .}

    hf:head_cs1 {
        hf:statement_cs1 a np:Nanopublication .
        hf:statement_cs1 np:hasAssertion hf:assertion_cs1 .
        hf:statement_cs1 np:hasProvenance hf:provenance_cs1 .
        hf:statement_cs1 np:hasPublicationInfo hf:pubInfo_cs1 .

hf:assertion_cs1 {
    hf:Carta_HF_I_44v_45r vir:K1_denotes hf:Carta_HF_I_44v_45r_repr . 
    hf:Carta_HF_I_44v_45r_repr a vir:IC9_Representation . 
    hf:Carta_HF_I_44v_45r_repr vir:K17_has_attribute hf:Carta_HF_I_44v_45r_repr_a1 ;
        rdfs:label "fisionomia antica del territorio ferrarese"@it ;
        vir:K17_has_attribute hf:Carta_HF_I_44v_45r_repr_a2; 
        vir:K17_has_attribute hf:Carta_HF_I_44v_45r_repr_a3; 
        vir:K17_has_attribute hf:Carta_HF_I_44v_45r_repr_a4.
    hf:Carta_HF_I_44v_45r_repr_a1 rdfs:label "corso inferiore del po"@it ;
        a vir:IC10_Attribute ; 
        crm:P138_represents hf:place_corso_po . 
    hf:Carta_HF_I_44v_45r_repr_a2 rdfs:label "dettaglio di diversi rami del delta padano"@it;
        a vir:IC10_Attribute ; 
        crm:P138_represents hf:place_delta_po . 
    hf:Carta_HF_I_44v_45r_repr_a3 rdfs:label "catena degli appennini"@it;
        a vir:IC10_Attribute ; 
        crm:P138_represents hf:place_appennini .
    hf:Carta_HF_I_44v_45r_repr_a4 rdfs:label "via Popolia Annia"@it ;
        a vir:IC10_Attribute ;
        crm:P138_represents hf:place_via_popolia_annia .

hf:provenance_cs1 {
    hf:assertion_cs1 prov:wasGeneratedBy hf:int_act_cs1 . 
    hf:int_act_cs1 a hico:InterpretationAct  ;
        hico:isExtractedFrom hf:philologicalLecturesMaterial ;
        cwrc:hasCertainty cwrc:mediumCertainty ;
        hico:hasInterpretationType mima:philological ;
        hico:hasInterpretationCriterion mima:hermeneuticAnalysis  

hf:pubInfo_cs1 {
    hf:statement_cs1 prov:wasAttributedTo hf:Person_VP .
    hf:statement_cs1 prov:generatedAtTime "2020-01-14T12:45:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime .   


Which places are represented in the map?

Which is the certainty with which the expert recognise the elements in the map?

SELECT ?conc_obj ?place 

    graph hf:factual_data {?place a crm:E53_Place.}

    {?G a np:Nanopublication ; 
    np:hasAssertion hf:assertion_cs1; 
    np:hasProvenance ?P; 
    np:hasPublicationInfo ?PI . 

        graph hf:assertion_cs1 {
            ?conc_obj crm:P138_represents ?place . 
            {?conc_obj a vir:IC9_Representation}
            {?conc_obj a vir:IC10_Attribute}
SELECT ?certainty
where {
    {?G a np:Nanopublication ; 
    np:hasAssertion hf:assertion_cs1; 
    np:hasProvenance ?P; 
    np:hasPublicationInfo ?PI .

    graph hf:provenance_cs1 {
        ?A prov:wasGeneratedBy ?intact . 
        ?intact cwrc:hasCertainty ?certainty. 


conc_obj place
Carta_HF_I_44v_45r_repr_a1 place_corso_po
Carta_HF_I_44v_45r_repr_a2 place_delta_po
Carta_HF_I_44v_45r_repr_a3 place_appennini
Carta_HF_I_44v_45r_repr_a4 place_via_popolia_annia
Consider the following scenario in natural language:

The usage of inscriptional capitals is a means to convey the monumentality of the work “Historiae Ferrariae”


The scenario regards the analysis of physical features of the manuscript. The palaeographic analysis of the writing process (crm:E12_Production) that produced a text fragment (crm:E25_Man-Made_Feature) may be characterised by a specific writing system (e.g latin alphabet, crm:E29_Design_or_Procedure), a scriptorial style (e.g. the corsiva umanistica crm:E28_Conceptual_Object crm:P2_has_type crm:E55_Type) and other features (e.g. bindings on the right side, crm:P150_defines_typical_parts_of). Moreover, the analysis of a physical feature such as a graphic typology can convey a symbolic meaning (crm:E28_Conceptual_Object crm:P67_refers_to crm:E90_Symbolic_Object).

Here the corresponding code in Trig notation:

         hf:head_cs1 {
         hf:pub_cs1 a np:Nanopublication .
         hf:pub_cs1 np:hasAssertion hf:assertion_cs1 .
         hf:pub_cs1 np:hasProvenance hf:provenance_cs1 .
         hf:pub_cs1 np:hasPublicationInfo hf:pubInfo_cs1 .
         hf:assertion_cs1 { 
         hf:HF_I_incipit_illustration vir:K1_denotes hf:HF_I_incipit_illustration_rep3 .
         hf:HF_I_incipit_illustration_rep3 crm:P138_represents hf:simbolo_solennità . 
         hf:HF_I_incipit_intro-text-frag_wr crm:P108_has_produced hf:HF_I_incipit_intro-text-frag ;
         crm:P16_used_specific_object crm:HF_I_incipit_graphic_style . 
         hf:HF_I_incipit_title-frag_wr crm:P108_has_produced hf:HF_I_incipit_title-frag_wr ; 
         crm:P16_used_specific_object hf:HF_I_incipit_graphic_style . 
         hf:HF_I_incipit_graphic_style a crm:E28_Conceptual_Object ; 
         crm:P67_refers_to hf:simbolo_solennità .  
         hf:provenance_cs1 {
         hf:assertion_cs1 prov:wasGeneratedBy hf:int_act_cs1 . 
         hf:int_act_cs1 a hico:InterpretationAct ;
         hico:isExtractedFrom hf:MM_palaeo_material ;
         cwrc:hasCertainty cwrc:mediumCertainty ;    
         hico:hasInterpretationType mima:Palaeographical ;
         hico:hasInterpretationCriterion mima:HandwritingAnalysis 
         hf:pubInfo_cs1 {
         hf:pub_cs1 prov:wasAttributedTo hf:Person_VP .
         hf:pub_cs1 prov:generatedAtTime "2020-01-14T12:45:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime .   

Which is the scriptorial style of "Historiae Ferrarie" I Proemium and which symbolic meaning it conveys?

Which are the criterion and type of this analysis?

SELECT ?type ?symbol
where {

    {?G a np:Nanopublication ; 
    np:hasAssertion hf:assertion_cs1; 
    np:hasProvenance ?P; 
    np:hasPublicationInfo ?PI . 
        graph hf:assertion_cs1 {
        ?c_object a crm:E28_Conceptual_Object; 
            crm:P2_has_type ?type;
            crm:P67_refers_to ?symbol. 
SELECT ?type ?crit
where {
    {?G a np:Nanopublication ; 
    np:hasAssertion hf:assertion_cs1; 
    np:hasProvenance ?P; 
    np:hasPublicationInfo ?PI .

    graph hf:provenance_cs1 {
        ?A prov:wasGeneratedBy ?intact . 
        ?intact hico:hasInterpretationCriterion ?crit; 
        hici:hasInterpretationType ?type

type symbol
graphicTypology Monumentality
type crit
Palaeographical HandwritingAnalysis
Consider the following scenario in natural language:

“ The map representation has been used by Folin to estabish a quite precise date of the map itself. I particular, the presence of San Biagio Bridge - built in september 1494 - which consititute the term "ante quem" and the absence of San Giuliano and San Fracesco bridges - built between april and december 1495 - which constitute the terms "post quem non".”


The illustration represented with the class vir:IC21_Iconographical_Atom, is contained in two folios (“20v” and “21r” respectively vir:IC19_Recto and vir:IC20_Verso) belonging to the manuscript IV book (crm:E22_Man-Made_Object). In this use case the expert is formulating a hypotesis (date of production of Historia Ferrariae) by analysing the map (vir:IC9_Representation) attributes (vir:IC10_Attribute) as well as the map missing attributes (vir:IC9_Representation mima:has_missing_attribute vir:IC10_Attribute). Both attributes, missing attributes and the whole manuscript have been produced (crm:E7_Activity crm:P16_used_specific_object crm:E22_Man-Made_Object). The attributes represent some real-world objects, in this case some bridges (crm:E22_Man-Made_Object) and the temporality between production events (crm:E7_Activity) of both the map and bridges is represented with crm:P120_occurs_before.

Here the corresponding code in Trig notation:

            hf:factual_data {
                hf:Manuscript_HF_IV crm:P46_is_composed_of hf:HF_IV_Pag20;
                    crm:P46_is_composed_of hf:HF_IV_Pag21; 
                    crm:P46_is_composed_of hf:Carta_HF_IV_20v_21r . 
                hf:HF_IV_Pag20 crm:P56_bears_feature hf:HF_IV_Pag20v; 
                    a crm:E22-Man-Made_Object . 
                hf:HF_IV_Pag21 crm:P56_bears_feature hf:HF_IV_Pag21r;
                    a crm:E22-Man-Made_Object .  
                hf:HF_IV_Pag20v crm:P56_bears_feature hf:Carta_HF_IV_20v_21r;
                    a vir:IC20_Verso . 
                hf:HF_IV_Pag21r crm:P56_bears_feature hf:Carta_HF_IV_20v_21r;
                    a vir:IC19_Recto . 

            hf:head_cs3 {
                hf:pub_cs3 a np:Nanopublication .
                hf:pub_cs3 np:hasAssertion hf:assertion_cs3 .
                hf:pub_cs3 np:hasProvenance hf:provenance_cs3 .
                hf:pub_cs3 np:hasPublicationInfo hf:pubInfo_cs3 .
            hf:assertion_cs3 {
                hf:Carta_HF_IV_20v_21r vir:K1_denotes hf:Carta_HF_IV_20v_21r_repr . 
                hf:Carta_HF_IV_20v_21r_repr a vir:IC9_Representation . 
                hf:Carta_HF_IV_20v_21r_repr mima:has_missing_attribute hf:Carta_HF_IV_20v_21r_repr_a1 ;
                    mima:has_missing_attribute hf:Carta_HF_IV_20v_21r_repr_a2; 
                    vir:K17_has_attribute hf:Carta_HF_IV_20v_21r_repr_a3. 
                hf:Carta_HF_IV_20v_21r_repr_a3 a vir:IC10_Attribute ;
                    crm:P138_represents hf:ponte_san_giuliano ; 
                    rdfs:label "Ponte san Giuliano"@it .
                hf:ponte_san_giuliano a crm:E22_Man-Made_Object ; 
                hf:place_ponte_san_giuliano a vir:IC10_Attribute ;
                    crm:P138_represents hf:ponte_san_francesco ;
                    rdfs:label "Ponte di San Francesco"@it .
                hf:ponte_san_francesco a crm:E22_Man-Made_Object ;
                hf:Carta_HF_IV_20v_21r_repr_a3  a vir:IC10_Attribute ;
                    crm:P138_represents hf:ponte_san_biagio ;
                    rdfs:label "Ponte di San Biagio"@it . 
                hf:ponte_san_biagio a crm:E22_Man-Made_Object .
                hf:ponte_san_biagio_prod a crm:E7_Activity ; 
                    crm:P16_used_specific_object hf:ponte_san_biagio ; 
                    crm:P4_has_time-span hf:september_1494 ; 
                    crm:P120_occurrs_before hf:Carta_HF_IV_20v_21r_prod .
                hf:ponte_san_francesco_prod a crm:E7_Activity;
                    crm:P16_used_specific_object hf:ponte_san_francesco ;
                    crm:P4_has_time-span hf:april_december_1495 .
                hf:ponte_san_giuliano_prod a crm:E7_Activity ; 
                    crm:P16_used_specific_object hf:ponte_san_giuliano ;
                    crm:P4_has_time-span hf:april_december_1495 . 
                hf:Carta_HF_IV_20v_21r_prod a crm:E7_Activity ; 
                    crm:P16_used_specific_object hf:Carta_HF_IV_20v_21r ;
                    crm:P120_occurrs_before hf:ponte_san_francesco_prod ; 
                    crm:P120_occurs_before hf:ponte_san_giuliano_prod . 
            hf:provenance_cs3 {
                hf:assertion_cs3 prov:wasGeneratedBy hf:int_act_cs3 . 
                hf:int_act_cs3 a hico:InterpretationAct  ; 
                    hico:isExtractedFrom hf:philologicalLecturesMaterial ;
                    cwrc:hasCertainty cwrc:mediumCertainty ;
                    hico:hasInterpretationType mima:philological ;
                    hico:hasInterpretationCriterion mima:hermeneuticAnalysis
            hf:pubInfo_cs3 {
                hf:pub_cs3 prov:wasAttributedTo hf:Person_VP .
                hf:pub_cs3 prov:generatedAtTime "2020-01-14T12:45:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime .   

Which are the elements not actually present in the map, but still mentioned by the expert?

Which are the real-world objects depicted in the map according to the opinion of the expert?

SELECT ?attr ?label
where {

    {?G a np:Nanopublication ; 
    np:hasAssertion hf:assertion_cs3; 
    np:hasProvenance ?P; 
    np:hasPublicationInfo ?PI . 
        graph hf:assertion_cs3 {
        ?repr mima:has_missing_attribute ?attr . 
        ?attr rdfs:label ?label

SELECT ?attr ?object ?obj_type 
where {

    {?G a np:Nanopublication ; 
    np:hasAssertion hf:assertion_cs3; 
    np:hasProvenance ?P; 
    np:hasPublicationInfo ?PI . 
        graph hf:assertion_cs3 {
        ?repres vir:K17_has_attribute ?attr . 
        ?attr crm:P138_represents ?object . 
        ?object a ?obj_type . 
attr label
Carta_HF_IV_20v_21r_repr_a1 "Ponte san Giuliano"@it
Carta_HF_IV_20v_21r_repr_a2 "Ponte di San Francesco"@it
attr object obj_type
Carta_HF_IV_20v_21r_repr_a3 ponte_san_biagio crm:E22_Man-Made_Object
Consider the following scenario in natural language:

The act to illustrate the act of work delivery to the commissioner, as an expression of its solemnity and greatness. The same scene can be found also in Orthopasca proem.


The illustration represented with the class vir:IC21_Iconographical_Atom as well as the illustration (vir:IC21_Iconographical_Atom) contained in "Orthopasca" (crm:E22_Man-Made_Object). The expert is associating the two illustrations depicted scenes (vir:IC9_Representation) trough establishing a common symbolic meaning between them, which is the idea of monumentality (crm:E90_Symbolic_Object).

Here the corresponding code in Trig notation:

            hf_factual_data {
                hf:Orthopasca a crm:E22_Man-Made_Object ; 
                    dcterms:title "Orthopasca"@la ;
                    crm:P46_is_composed_of hf:orthop_proem_illustration . 
                hf:orthop_proem_illustration a vir:IC1_Iconographical_Atom . 
                hf:Manuscript_HF_I a crm:E22_Man-Made_Object ;
                    dcterms:title "Historiae Ferrariae I" ; 
                    crm:P46_is_composed_of hf:HF_I_proem_illustration . 
                hf:HF_I_proem_illustration a vir:IC1_Iconographical_Atom . 

                hf:symbol_solemnity a crm:E90_Symbolic_Object ;
                    rdfs:label "Tema della solennità, grandiosità, magnificenza"@it . 
            hf:head_cs4 {
                hf:pub_cs8 a np:Nanopublication .
                hf:pub_cs8 np:hasAssertion hf:assertion_cs4 .
                hf:pub_cs8 np:hasProvenance hf:provenance_cs4 .
                hf:pub_cs8 np:hasPublicationInfo hf:pubInfo_cs4 .
            hf:assertion_cs4 {
                hf:HF_I_proem_illustration vir:K1_denotes hf:HF_I_incipit_illustration_rep2 .
                hf:HF_I_proem_illustration_rep2 crm:P138_represents hf:simbolo_solennità . 
                hf:orthop_proem_illustration vir:K1_denotes hf:orthop_proem_illustration_rep . 
                hf:orthop_proem_illustration_rep crm:P138_represents hf:symbol_solemnity. 
            hf:provenance_cs4 {
                hf:assertion_cs4 prov:wasGeneratedBy hf:int_act_cs4 . 
                hf:int_act_cs4 a hico:InterpretationAct ;
                    hico:isExtractedFrom hf:iconographicalLecturesMaterial ;
                    cwrc:hasCertainty cwrc:mediumCertainty ;
                    hico:hasInterpretationType mima:iconographical ;
                    hico:hasInterpretationCriterion mima:similarityDetectionxBetweenArtworks  

            hf:pubInfo_cs4 {
                hf:pub_cs4 prov:wasAttributedTo hf:Person_VP .
                hf:pub_cs4 prov:generatedAtTime "2020-01-14T12:45:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime .   

Which is the shared symbol between "Historiae Ferrarie" and "Orthopasca" and in which elements is contained?

Which is the provenance of this assertion and which are its contextual information?

SELECT ?HF_element ?Ort_element ?symbol
where {

    graph hf:factual_data {
        ?HF a crm:E22_Man-Made_Object; 
            dcterms:title ?HF_title ; 
            crm:P46_is_composed_of ?HF_element .    
        ?Ort a crm:E22_Man-Made_Object; 
            dcterms:title ?Ort_title ; 
            crm:P46_is_composed_of ?Ort_element .
        ?symbol a crm:E90_Symbolic_Object
        FILTER regex(?HF_title, "Historiae Ferrariae", "i")
        FILTER regex(?Ort_title, "Orthopasca", "i")                   
    graph hf:assertion_cs8 {
        ?HF_element vir:K1_denotes ?repr_HF .
        ?repr_HF crm:P138_represents ?symbol . 
        ?Ort_element vir:K1_denotes ?repr_Ort .
        ?repr_Ort crm:P138_represents ?symbol . 
SELECT ?expression ?p ?o

    graph hf:factual_data {?expression ?p ?o}
    {?G a np:Nanopublication ; 
    np:hasAssertion hf:assertion_cs8; 
    np:hasProvenance ?P; 
    np:hasPublicationInfo ?PI .
        graph hf:provenance_cs8 {
            ?intact hico:isExtractedFrom ?expression
HF_element Ort_element symbol
hf:HF_I_proem_illustration hf:orthop_proem_illustration hf:symbol_solemnity
?expression ?p ?o
hf:iconographicalLecturesMaterial dcterms:creator hf:Person_SM
hf:iconographicalLecturesMaterial rdf:type fabio:Expression
hf:iconographicalLecturesMaterial frbr:partOf hf:CollegioSuperioreLectures
hf:SC_icon_material dcterms:title "Iconographic lectures recordings"@it